Dionne Rauff

Dionne has worked in the veterinary industry for over 20 years and has experience in veterinary diagnostics, food safety, abattoir hygiene. Her experience and work follows a "One Health" outlook where the food safety laboratories and the veterinary laboratories she consults to are dedicated to protecting the consumers health by monitoring the animals from farm to fork.

Dionne has extensive experience in the implementation of quality systems in laboratories having assisted in the accreditation of the Deltamune laboratories both in Centurion and regionally. While Dionne was the laboratory manager at Deltamune, she was directly involved in setting up and ensuring the continuous accreditation of all the tests within the laboratory. This included Salmonella isolation and detection and serotyping.

More recently Dionne has joined On Point Diagnostics, whose focus is to ensure that laboratories can function sustainably and that all laboratory customers can take the correct samples to ensure that results are not compromised. She has also assisted veterinary laboratories in their test validations so that the validation data is up to OIE standards, to enable the laboratories to obtain accreditation.

Dionne is a member of various scientific committees such as the Veterinary Laboratories Scientific Forum (SAVLF), and specifically the AI Task group of the SAVLF, South African Poultry Association (SAPA) Avian Influenza technical committee and SABS technical committee for food safety. She has published articles in leading journals about Avian Influenza, food safety and Salmonella. Dionne obtained her MSc in Human, Animal & Ecosystem Health from the University of Pretoria.

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