David E. Swayne Private Consultant, Birdflu Veterinarian LLC
Dr. Swayne is a veterinarian with specialization as a Veterinary Pathologist and Poultry Veterinarian. For the past 36 years, his personal research has focused on pathobiology and control of avian influenza. He has published over 352 peer-reviewed papers and 116 book chapters, given 356 invited lectures and served as Editor or Associate Editor for 16 text and proceedings books, and has served on editorial boards of Avian Diseases, Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, and Emerging Infectious Diseases. He serves in avian influenza leadership roles at the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH). Previously, he served as the Laboratory Director of the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory in Athens, Georgia, USA, and as a tenured faculty member at The Ohio State University.