Brian Jordan Associate Professor of Poultry Health and Production, University of Georgia
Brian received a Bachelors of Science in Agriculture and a PhD in Poultry Science from the University of Georgia, where his PhD was dedicated toward adapting molecular genome manipulation techniques to poultry. After completion of his PhD, Brian spent two years in the laboratory of Dr. Mark Jackwood at the Poultry Diagnostic and Research Center (PDRC) as an Assistant Research Scientist. Brian was then hired as an Assistant Professor of Poultry Health and Production and promoted to Associate Professor. For the last 10 years, Brian’s major emphasis was directed towards research and helping the commercial poultry industry control and combat infectious bronchitis virus. Brian has especially focused on IBV vaccine application and efficacy. His work has led to the development of a hatchery spray review protocol alongside a vaccine take surveillance program, which has been used by many commercial hatcheries to improve their IBV vaccine success.