Biosekuriti dalam Akuakultur

Biosecurity is a cornerstone of sustainable and productive aquaculture operations. This course highlights the importance of preventive measures to protect aquatic species from diseases and environmental risks. Through three focused videos, participants will gain actionable insights into implementing effective biosecurity protocols and addressing critical challenges in aquatic environments.

Isi Kursus

  1. Biosekuriti dalam Akuakultur – Understanding the foundational principles and practices of biosecurity.
  2. Biosekuriti dalam Akuakultur: Langkah Kecil, Hasil Besar – How simple, practical measures can make a significant impact on health and productivity.
  3. Toksisitas Cyanobacterial dan Kualitas Air di Lingkungan Perairan – Exploring the link between water quality and the risks posed by cyanobacterial toxicity.

Kursus Termasuk

  • 3 Pelajaran

Kursus Instruktur

Natan Wajsbrot Spesialis Kesehatan Ikan, Phibro Aqua
Dr Judith Farley DVM, MSc Dokter Pengajar Budidaya Perairan, Layanan Diagnostik Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Montreal (Quebec, Kanada)
Diana Sofia Herazo Cardenas Profesor, Departemen Ilmu Budidaya Perairan, Universitas Cordoba